Siege Of Self
Philadelphia pack BANDIT pumps out relentless grind core with frenziedly brutal and fast fire drumbeats. From the very beginning these guys have revelled in the adoration of not only an ever-growing crowd of fans, but also of big UG magazines such as Decibel and Metal Injection. There's a ton of raw emotion left on the table with Bandit, every track is a skull cracking assault on the senses. With every song coming at you at maximum velocity and hardly a breath for a breakdown, this is the sort of balls-out borderline terrifying powerviolence that the scene was based on.
Siege Of Self
16,90 Euro
in den Warenkorb
in den Warenkorb
Philadelphia pack BANDIT pumps out relentless grind core with frenziedly brutal and fast fire drumbeats. From the very beginning these guys have revelled in the adoration of not only an ever-growing crowd of fans, but also of big UG magazines such as Decibel and Metal Injection. There's a ton of raw emotion left on the table with Bandit, every track is a skull cracking assault on the senses. With every song coming at you at maximum velocity and hardly a breath for a breakdown, this is the sort of balls-out borderline terrifying powerviolence that the scene was based on.