Behold their full length made of 20 grind songs for 23 minutes, melted with a lot of extreme metal/punk influences ranging from death to black. With members of Karcavul, Michel Anoia, Lovgun, Baka, Mental Hygiene, ex-Whoresnation FFO :Discordance Axis /Sayyadina / Spazz / Lack of Interest
12,50 Euro
in den Warenkorb
in den Warenkorb
Behold their full length made of 20 grind songs for 23 minutes, melted with a lot of extreme metal/punk influences ranging from death to black. With members of Karcavul, Michel Anoia, Lovgun, Baka, Mental Hygiene, ex-Whoresnation FFO :Discordance Axis /Sayyadina / Spazz / Lack of Interest
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