"Egal" is the debut album by KONTROLLE from Solingen and DÃŒsseldorf. With the demo tape released in 2017, the band around Daniel (bass/vocals) and Carsten (guitar/synth) from BLANK as well as Andrew (drums) from MINUTES caused enthusiasm in scene circles with eighties-esque post/wave punk with German lyrics. Since then, concerts have been played across the country, where the reaction afterwards at the merch table was always the same: When is the album coming out? Recorded by Role Wiegner in the sound studio, "Egal" is a perfect hybrid of punk and wave with apocalyptic-looking collage artwork by graphic artist and drummer Andrew.
16,90 Euro
in den Warenkorb
in den Warenkorb
"Egal" is the debut album by KONTROLLE from Solingen and DÃŒsseldorf. With the demo tape released in 2017, the band around Daniel (bass/vocals) and Carsten (guitar/synth) from BLANK as well as Andrew (drums) from MINUTES caused enthusiasm in scene circles with eighties-esque post/wave punk with German lyrics. Since then, concerts have been played across the country, where the reaction afterwards at the merch table was always the same: When is the album coming out? Recorded by Role Wiegner in the sound studio, "Egal" is a perfect hybrid of punk and wave with apocalyptic-looking collage artwork by graphic artist and drummer Andrew.