Politics versus the Erection
FÃŒr Fans von Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, Stormtroopers of Death, Anthrax, Nuclear Assault und Lock Up! If the state of today's society is reflected in music, hardcore punk / grindcore veterans VENOMOUS CONCEPT return to the stage with a fitting soundtrack. On 'Politics Versus The Erection', Kevin Sharp (BRUTAL TRUTH), Shane Embury (NAPALM DEATH), Danny Herrera (NAPALM DEATH) and John Cooke (CORRUPT MORAL ALTAR) voice criticism and opinions with satirical animations, venomous lyrics, and 30 minutes of short, sharp musical blasts, creating a true hardcore punk spirit. This band's fourth full-length frontal assault manifests a no-nonsense, outspoken and angry tone, resonating with the chaos that reigns over the world today.
Politics versus the Erection
FÃŒr Fans von Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, Stormtroopers of Death, Anthrax, Nuclear Assault und Lock Up! If the state of today's society is reflected in music, hardcore punk / grindcore veterans VENOMOUS CONCEPT return to the stage with a fitting soundtrack. On 'Politics Versus The Erection', Kevin Sharp (BRUTAL TRUTH), Shane Embury (NAPALM DEATH), Danny Herrera (NAPALM DEATH) and John Cooke (CORRUPT MORAL ALTAR) voice criticism and opinions with satirical animations, venomous lyrics, and 30 minutes of short, sharp musical blasts, creating a true hardcore punk spirit. This band's fourth full-length frontal assault manifests a no-nonsense, outspoken and angry tone, resonating with the chaos that reigns over the world today.