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10,00 Euro
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Almost 25 years of YACØPSÆ … Time for a tribute? Not at all! The band still like the AMEBIX slogan: "No gods, no masters"! Nevertheless, YACØPSÆ was always well-known for brewing out some freaky ideas (just check their huge output and you'll know what we mean), so the concept of a "Guest room" EP was born, whilst we were hanging around somewhere and joking about how to celebrate the "next" anniversary! Actually, no big deal … Eventually, the band invited a bunch of different people from around the globe to "sing" for them. 15 tracks, each one lasting about 30 seconds, and placed twice (subdivided in two sides: male/ female). All participants had to create own lyrics and to record the vocals by their own. In addition, each person needed to write down a few neutral sentences about the very first encounter with YACØPSÆ, and sending a photo. Basically, the whole idea is not that new or original, though the list of our guests is impressive, so here we go: 01. Julia (BÄD INFLUENCE/ Germany) 02. Katja (VÖLKERMORD/ Germany) 03. Alexandra (CROWSKIN/ Germany) 04. Mareike (UNHOLY HANDJOB/ Germany) 05. Jess (4-LOM/ Canada) 06. Diana (URSUS/ Colombia) 07. Martina (AUNTY PANTY/ Canada) 08. Ami (VÖETSEK/ USA) 09. Athena + Jeff (VÖETSEK + CAPITALIST CASUALTIES/ USA) 10. Melanie (THRASHING PUMPGUNS/ Germany) 11. Sanja (DEPARTURE/ Germany) 12. Leonie (SVFFER/ Germany) 13. Carmen (Not in a band/ Germany) 14. Sabina (HOLY MOSES/ Germany) 15. Peppels (STAHLSCHWESTER/ Germany) 16. Mirko (MONDIAL/ Germany) 17. Dany (DEAD/ Germany) 18. Flupp (CHAOSFRONT/ Germany) 19. Klaus (RAZORS/ Germany) 20. Karl Nagel (KEIN HASS DA/ Germany) 21. Fabian (PELVIC THRUST/ Germany) 22. IRATE ARCHITECT (Complete/ Germany) 23. Kerem + Alper (RADICAL NOISE + LIFELOCK/ Turkey) 24. Damon McCoy (ZABØGART/ Indonesia) 25. Bert und Jens (BIZARRE X/ Germany) 26. Giulio (CRIPPLE BASTARDS/ Italy) 27. Wawan (HOLIDAYXSUCKERS/ Indonesia) 28. Chris Dodge (INFEST/ USA) 29. CORROSIVE (Complete/ Germany) 30. Martin (EA80/ Germany) Additionally, a bunch of 45 kids in the age between 3 and 5 years is singing "Brother Jakob" in five different speeches (German, English, French, Turkish, and Spanish). Think about where we got our name from, eh? Stoffel went to a friend's kindergarten to organize the huge choir of cute and awesome kids, and to record the tracks, exclusively. The stuff will be used as intro, midtro and outro.

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