Fast, tense and mean, Agents of Abhorrence have finally spat out the strangling bile of 4 years recorded silence! Dismembered of their larynx and transplanted with Jacob from Roskopp and Garbage Guts, Agents return with 17 knots of negativity and anxiety to (break your neck)*. RELIEF is their typically unique style of relentless grindcore excellence times two, with a recording that is simply phenomenal. Thrash and die, pimples! For fans of Hatred Surge, 324, Discordance Axis, The Kill and In Disgust.
12,10 Euro
in den Warenkorb
in den Warenkorb
Fast, tense and mean, Agents of Abhorrence have finally spat out the strangling bile of 4 years recorded silence! Dismembered of their larynx and transplanted with Jacob from Roskopp and Garbage Guts, Agents return with 17 knots of negativity and anxiety to (break your neck)*. RELIEF is their typically unique style of relentless grindcore excellence times two, with a recording that is simply phenomenal. Thrash and die, pimples! For fans of Hatred Surge, 324, Discordance Axis, The Kill and In Disgust.
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