GRINDCORE. AMPUTEE is a new US band consisting of CHAINSAW TO THE FACE and DOOMSDAY MACHINE SCHEMATIC members, hailing to old-school grindcore and death-metal bands especially ASSÃœCK, REPULSION and TERRORIZER. AMPUTEE's 1st 7" after a demo is straight up blasting grindcore worship - so enjoy the grindness.
4,00 Euro
in den Warenkorb
in den Warenkorb
GRINDCORE. AMPUTEE is a new US band consisting of CHAINSAW TO THE FACE and DOOMSDAY MACHINE SCHEMATIC members, hailing to old-school grindcore and death-metal bands especially ASSÃœCK, REPULSION and TERRORIZER. AMPUTEE's 1st 7" after a demo is straight up blasting grindcore worship - so enjoy the grindness.
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