Demokratisk Kontroll
Brottskod 11 is a d-beat band from Östersund, Sweden. The band mostly sounds like and takes primary influence from classic Swedish d-beat / hardcore, like Anti-Cimex, Avskum, Disarm, Shitlickers, TotalitÀr, etc. However, Brottskod 11 has a considerably more raging and heavier sound, highly comparable to Uncurbed, Dischange / Meanwhile and other mid-late nineties Swedish d-beat. Brottskod 11 members are also in: WARVICTIMS, ELECTRIC FUNERAL, DESPERAT, TOTALT JÄLVA MÖRKER.
Demokratisk Kontroll
9,90 Euro
in den Warenkorb
in den Warenkorb
Brottskod 11 is a d-beat band from Östersund, Sweden. The band mostly sounds like and takes primary influence from classic Swedish d-beat / hardcore, like Anti-Cimex, Avskum, Disarm, Shitlickers, TotalitÀr, etc. However, Brottskod 11 has a considerably more raging and heavier sound, highly comparable to Uncurbed, Dischange / Meanwhile and other mid-late nineties Swedish d-beat. Brottskod 11 members are also in: WARVICTIMS, ELECTRIC FUNERAL, DESPERAT, TOTALT JÄLVA MÖRKER.
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