Ripping metallic d-beat crust-hardcore from these ex-DRILLER KILLER guys from Malmo, Sweden. Totally over the top motor-crust, definitely recommended. TARANTUJA have a strong '80s sound heavily influenced by such bands as THE ACCÃœSED and eraly SUICIDAL TENDENCIES. This 5 song tsunami will drown you in a tidal wave of face-melting guitars, ripping drums and dual screamed vocals!
9,90 Euro
in den Warenkorb
in den Warenkorb
Ripping metallic d-beat crust-hardcore from these ex-DRILLER KILLER guys from Malmo, Sweden. Totally over the top motor-crust, definitely recommended. TARANTUJA have a strong '80s sound heavily influenced by such bands as THE ACCÃœSED and eraly SUICIDAL TENDENCIES. This 5 song tsunami will drown you in a tidal wave of face-melting guitars, ripping drums and dual screamed vocals!
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