Schock und Drama
ÄNI(X)VÄX unfortunately didn't manage to get anything out on vinyl when they were active, only various contributions to the sampler were made, including 1984's "Let's Have More Fun", 1985 the "Kulturschock Attacke 1 and 2" such as 1986 "Zivilcourage". Posthumously there was a 4 song Bootleg EP in a limited edition. The LP contains 13 basic stop-and-go Thrash songs with harsh, coarse vocals, and a special guitar work. The songs are from different recording phases as well as live recordings. (inc. megahit "Schock Und Drama") an absolutely perfect cross section of this band from MÌnster. The LP is accompanied by an ingenious 20-page booklet with many unpublished pictures. An absolute contemporary document of the 80s.
Schock und Drama
15,90 Euro
in den Warenkorb
in den Warenkorb
ÄNI(X)VÄX unfortunately didn't manage to get anything out on vinyl when they were active, only various contributions to the sampler were made, including 1984's "Let's Have More Fun", 1985 the "Kulturschock Attacke 1 and 2" such as 1986 "Zivilcourage". Posthumously there was a 4 song Bootleg EP in a limited edition. The LP contains 13 basic stop-and-go Thrash songs with harsh, coarse vocals, and a special guitar work. The songs are from different recording phases as well as live recordings. (inc. megahit "Schock Und Drama") an absolutely perfect cross section of this band from MÌnster. The LP is accompanied by an ingenious 20-page booklet with many unpublished pictures. An absolute contemporary document of the 80s.
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