For Fans of INFEST, LACK OF INTEREST, WEEKEND NACHOS, BREAKDOWN Hardcore with heavy breakdowns Fans of WEEKEND NACHOS and LACK OF INTEREST will be pleased. Terminal Nation are a hardcore punk band from Little Rock, Arkansas who combine the spirit of NYHC bands like Citizens Arrest and Sheer Terror with the relentlessness of powerviolence. This unique concoction of hardcore makes their new 7 called Waste a force to be reckoned with. The eight song EP is chock full of disgruntled aggressionthat bellows out of every pore of the record.
5,50 Euro
in den Warenkorb
in den Warenkorb
For Fans of INFEST, LACK OF INTEREST, WEEKEND NACHOS, BREAKDOWN Hardcore with heavy breakdowns Fans of WEEKEND NACHOS and LACK OF INTEREST will be pleased. Terminal Nation are a hardcore punk band from Little Rock, Arkansas who combine the spirit of NYHC bands like Citizens Arrest and Sheer Terror with the relentlessness of powerviolence. This unique concoction of hardcore makes their new 7 called Waste a force to be reckoned with. The eight song EP is chock full of disgruntled aggressionthat bellows out of every pore of the record.
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